Redeem Voucher: How it works!
Vienna, Hamburg, Amsterdam or Berlin?
Experience your very special hotel moment in one of the most beautiful cities in Europe.
If you have difficulties in redeeming the hotel vouchers you purchased, please contact the respective hotel.
Do you have any further questions about the voucher?
Where can I purchase vouchers?
All offers for hotel vouchers can be found at and There you will receive your personal voucher code and all important information about discounts, prices, validity and conditions.
Can I purchase vouchers at
Currently, no vouchers can be purchased by telephone or via the portal. All information and conditions for purchasing vouchers can be found at and
How can I check the availability of my travel dates?
After entering the voucher code, you can check your desired date for availability and book directly. Please note that the availability can only be displayed with a valid voucher, or only if the voucher is valid.
Are the vouchers activated immediately?
During the activation process, the activation of the purchased vouchers can take up to 24 hours. For this reason, we ask you to be patient until the individual vouchers have been completely stored in our system.
If you have difficulties in redeeming the hotel vouchers you have purchased, please contact the respective hotel or use our contact form. We will then get back to you immediately.