We are committed to sustainability.Click A Tree

Sustainable commitment – PLAZA meets Click a tree

By planting trees and collecting plastic waste from waterways, the Click A Tree project helps to create jobs and combat poverty and hunger. We want to support the project in this! We are already focusing on saving energy, conserving resources, avoiding waste and using regional products sustainably as part of our Think Green project. As a partner of the Click a tree initiative, we are expanding our support options. You can see how we do this in the video:

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Click A Tree – the project in numbers

The figures shown here impressively illustrate the significant impact that our support has on the preservation of nature and the environment. They show how our measures to conserve resources and environmental protection projects are bringing about positive changes.

Overall, these figures impressively demonstrate that our commitment to environmental protection and the preservation of nature is not only morally right, but also has measurable positive effects that will be felt for generations to come.

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more than 2 tons
collected plastic
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more than 2,000
planted tress
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around 586 tons
absorbed carbon dioxide
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at least 500 days
created work
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over 2,500 square meters
afforested area

Reasons why we support Click A Tree:


Every organization works to the best of its knowledge and belief. And, just like in all other industries, every organization pursues a different goal. We can't save the planet on our own, so all our colleagues are valuable. They do meaningful work and they inspire everyone to do a little better every day.

Click A Tree is the top-rated certified sustainability solution for companies. The entire initiative is B Corp certified and thus part of a global movement that stands for an inclusive, just and regenerative economy. And we are happy to support this.

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